Monday, January 21, 2019

1) Preface

How did T-ara go from being one of the most popular groups in South Korea to the most hated, and who was responsible for their downfall? On these pages I will tell you the truth of a story that many people think they know but few understand.

These are some of the questions that will be answered here.

Did T-ara bully Hwayoung?

Did Hwayoung say she was bullied?

What has Hwayoung said about T-ara?

What have T-ara said about Hwayoung?

What did Hwayoung say on Taxi?

Why do some T-ara fans hate Hwayoung?

Was Hwayoung really injured?

Was Hwayoung lazy?

Did Hwayoung ruin T-ara's career?

Did Hwayoung play the victim?

If you have come to this page with little or no knowledge of the story you have chosen the right place to learn about it. I have not seen anything on this subject which is anywhere near as fair, truthful and thorough. Those of you who believe you already know all about it you may be in for a few shocks, but please read it all and think carefully for a while rather than just reacting angrily. There is really nothing here that should upset any fans unless they are among the people who contributed to the problem.

T-ara were wrongly accused and treated very badly. Some people think that I am biased against them, or even that I hate them, but that is completely wrong. They made some mistakes but they realized what they done wrong and apologized, and their behaviour has been exemplary ever since. They are fallible but lovabIe and I genuinely respect and admire them.

Your responses are welcome if you have genuine points that you want to discuss, but I will check them before publication to prevent the comment section filling up with the usual "bitch" and "snake" that we have seen so many times before.

No T-ara fan should be angry about anything I have written here, but somebody clearly is, as you can see in the first comment. Hwayoung never called for anyone's throat to be cut, so does this person really think that he or she is better? Please don't give me any more comments inciting murder. The only reason I am publishing this one is to show how toxic the culture of Hwayoung hating is. It's just like the T-ara hating that went on for years. 

Many of the Hwayoung haters say that she must apologize before they can forgive her. What they mean is that she must apologize for all the things that they accuse her of doing, but I believe that will never happen because she didn't do most of those things. This means the haters hang onto their pain and anger. They could learn from the example of Eva Kor, who died this month, July 2019. As a child she was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp where she and her twin sister were among 1500 pairs of twins used for experiments by the infamous Josef Mengele. The rest of her family were killed and most of the twins died, but Eva and her sister survived. As an adult she realized that she needed to forgive the people who had done terrible things to her and when she did it freed her. You can hear her talking about it in a podcast of BBC Radio 4's Last Word

If she could forgive those people then the haters can forgive Hwayoung. Perhaps they could start with something they might find easier and forgive T-ara for getting themselves into trouble with their tweets, and I mean genuinely forgive them, not just insist that it was right or that Hwayoung made them do it. They could then see the story from a different angle and accept T-ara's admission that they could have avoided the whole problem by acting in a more mature way.

Updated 20 July 2019

2) Summary

T-ara, a K-pop (South Korean) girl group, made their debut in July 2009 with six members: Boram, Qri, Soyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin and Jiyeon. They worked hard and gradually became popular, but things went badly wrong in 2012 when their reputation was ruined by rumours that one member of the group was bullied by the others. 

In December 2010 Ryu Hwayoung, then 17, or 18 in Korean age, was added to the group by the CEO, Kim Kwang Soo (KKS), supposedly as a rapper. She did not appear to be needed, as they already had Eunjung and Hyomin who could rap well enough. Putting her in T-ara was a risky move, as she might upset the dynamic of the group, and one which was unlikely to add anything of real value unless she was a good singer. Hwayoung had only been training with the company, CCM, for about six months, and was severely lacking in certain areas. She had no experience of the business and lacked the social skills that she would need to cope with being put into an already successful and well-bonded group. Despite that, she performed admirably as a dancer and rapper throughout her time in T-ara. It's difficult to assess her singing because she never has any solo lines, but from what I can hear she seems adequate for what she was asked to do. 

There was persistent bullying, but it was done by the CEO. He made the group suffer for years, then when they complained early in 2012 about being overworked and not having had a single day off in more than a year, he threatened to replace members, and announced two more new members, Areum and Dani (who never became a member) to show he was serious. 
[OP-ED] Is T-ara's member change a way for Kim Kwang Soo to punish T-ara? |

KKS continued to work the group as hard as before, and some sort of breakdown was inevitable. With the six original members having the strongest bond it was always likely that the first victims would be Hwayoung and Areum, and that is the way it turned out. 

On 23 July 2012, Hwayoung sprained her ankle after a performance in Ulsan, and when they returned to Seoul she went to a hospital accompanied by a manager, and then to another with her father. According to reports from KKS and staff the manager reported that the first hospital said there was nothing wrong and she was fit to perform. 
The next day the group flew to Japan for two concerts at the Budokan, a prestigious 14,000 seat arena in Tokyo, on 25 and 26 July. The members had had three hours of sleep, but Hwayoung must have had less. On arriving in Japan she went to a third hospital seeking further treatment for her ankle, and after that she asked to be taken to the hotel to rest instead of attending the rehearsal. Her absence angered the other members, and others who were working to put on the show, because they had to rearrange all their routines and the rehearsal took far longer than it would normally. The severity of Hwayoung's injury is disputed; it seems that the other members thought it was not as bad as she claimed, while she thought they were underestimating it. I think they were, because it is hard to imagine that she would want to miss such a big event which was the climax of their Japanese tour. An hour before the first concert, at which Hwayoung performed only one song, sitting on a chair, one of the members, Hyomin, wrote on Twitter about differences in determination and four other members, Eunjung, Jiyeon, Soyeon and Boram, retweeted and added to it. That was a catastrophic mistake. Criticizing another member of the group in public gave the impression that they wanted to humiliate her and opened them up to be attacked. Hwayoung responded to the tweets, saying "Sometimes determination is not enough," and thus confirmed the obvious inference that they were about her. The two members who took no part in the Twitter episode were Qri and Areum. 

As result of those tweets, rumours started on the internet that T-ara had been bullying Hwayoung throughout her time in the group. On 27 July they were back in Korea to appear on a TV show, Music Bank, singing the same song that Hwayoung had performed at the concerts. They had a discussion at which they apparently sorted out their problems and apologized to each other for what they had done. After the camera rehearsal, Areum received some threatening messages from Hwayoung's twin sister Hyoyoung, who was angry about Areum not supporting Hwayoung in the argument that had been going on, but which by this time had been resolved. This part of the story was kept quiet for a long time, for reasons that I will examine later.

I think Hwayoung was rather shy and in awe of the others when she joined. She tended to be a bit withdrawn and didn't integrate very well, but she was more sure of herself with Areum, who was younger and a late recruit like her, so she became Areum's friend and had been helping and encouraging her. Others will tell you that's not true, but these suggest it is, and in January 2018 Areum said that Hwayoung was a friend and who cared for her a lot. (Reference in Part 2)  

That is why Hwayoung was upset about not having Areum's support, and she must have moaned about it to her sister, not expecting her to react the way she did. What Hyoyoung did was bad and there is no excuse for it, but it would not have happened without T-ara's tweets and there is no excuse for those either (although the threat was certainly worse). As you would expect, Hyoyoung's messages shook the group up again and KKS told Hwayoung not to take part in the performance. On 30 July KKS announced that Hwayoung was being dismissed for behaviour that hurt teamwork, after complaints from 19 staff members, and for refusing to go on stage at Music Bank, even though he had told her not to.
Did KKS tell Hwayoung not to go on stage so that he could use her absence as an excuse to fire her? It seems strange that Hwayoung's behaviour was suddenly thought to be such a serious problem just after the scandal started. If she was so bad why wasn't she removed before? The most likely explanation, and one that was quite popular at the time, is that KKS sacrificed her to save T-ara from a big scandal, thinking that if he portrayed her as a trouble maker, the public wouldn't care about the bullying issue, but that was not entirely successful. The public wouldn't swallow it, but some T-ara fans did. It would have been better to keep Hwayoung in the group, as the other members wanted, give her ankle time to recover, and try to sort out the problems in the way she dealt with the staff. 

By this time the bullying scandal had taken hold and Hwayoung's departure from T-ara only intensified it. Since then, Hwayoung has been very loyal to T-ara, making it absolutely clear that the bullying rumours were false, wishing them success, expressing sympathy for the persecution they suffered and never blaming them for what happened to her, but T-ara fans accused her of pretending she was bullied and “playing the victim.” It's not true, and why would she want to do that? The reason they usually offer is to improve her image, but that would be a terribly risky strategy. If she was lying and the truth came out, her reputation would be ruined. Hwayoung had another reason to want the the scandal to stop, and that is to protect her sister and herself. If someone leaked the story of Hyoyoung threatening Areum, Hyoyoung would be vilified, and many people would blame Hwayoung for it too. She really had nothing to gain from the scandal and no reason to encourage it. A lot of people claim that Hwayoung took advantage of the scandal to gain sympathy and keep herself in the public eye. She did have sympathy, mostly for something she said didn't happen, but that is all it was. She had no work for two years, but she she eventually started to get acting roles, and after about four years she got a good one.

T-ara, meanwhile, have been similarly loyal to Hwayoung, apologizing for not making her feel more secure as part of the group, saying nothing about the problems caused by her behaviour and never blaming her for what happened to them. Both sides felt they had been wronged, but they forgave each other, so they have been able to move on from their problems. They were on opposing sides in their dispute, but they have always been on the same side in the scandal. On the other side are those who accuse T-ara of bullying and those who accuse Hwayoung of wrecking T-ara's reputation. Sadly, many fans did not understand that and felt the need to choose between T-ara and Hwayoung. By doing that they chose the side of lies and hate instead of the side of truth and reconciliation. Many of the fans who did not abandon T-ara became fanatical Hwayoung haters, and even after six years they still claim that Hwayoung tried to ruin T-ara by claiming she was bullied, but that is completely false.

T-ara's popularity plummeted; they became the most hated group in Korea, a petition calling for them to be disbanded attracted 200,000 names, and they suffered years of abuse. They had to concentrate on other countries, and did very well, particularly in China. Areum left T-ara in July 2013 after performing with them for one year. The hate that T-ara received was one of the things that affected her, another was the ridicule and abuse directed at her for some photographs taken after she painted her face for Halloween. There were also rumours of T-ara bullying her, which added to her troubles, but they never took hold in the same way as they did with Hwayoung, despite Areum's Instagram post, four months after she left, saying “The people I hate the most right now are the CEO, unnies, and the journalists!” Like Hwayoung, she was not happy at the time of her departure, but since then she has been as loyal to T-ara as Hwayoung has. 

In February 2017 Hwayoung and Hyoyoung appeared on a TV show called Taxi and talked about life after Hwayoung left T-ara. There was really nothing in that interview that should anger any T-ara fan, but it was widely misinterpreted in the most spectacular fashion. Nearly everyone seemed to think that Hwayoung talked about being bullied and said she had a terrible time in T-ara, but there was no mention of bullying or any sort of mistreatment. A former staff member was enraged, or perhaps just took advantage of the outcry for personal vengeance, and he or she revealed the story of Hyoyoung's threat to the press. along with some other things that I will examine later. Even though it told us nothing about how T-ara treated Hwayoung, the new information about Hyoyoung was taken as proof that the twins were evil and had been bullying T-ara all along, so they were now the baddies, and it followed in a simple step of non-logic that T-ara, who had previously been evil bullies, must be the goodies, so they were seen to be vindicated and their reputation was restored. The question of why Hyoyoung was so angry seems to have been conveniently ignored, and there was a widespread backlash against the twins. Areum didn't want that story to be revealed, and to make matters worse the reporter who was given the Hyoyoung story used the old pictures that had brought Areum so much abuse to accompany it, which upset her further: “The pictures bring up such hurtful memories that you wouldn’t even begin to understand and it makes me feel like I’m dying. Why would you use me in such a way?” 
Areum begs reporters to stop leaking her photos, says she feels like dying - Koreaboo

In January 2018, Areum said that Hyoyoung had apologized to her years before the story was revealed, and that she was on good terms with the twins: 
It’s true that Hyoyoung sent me a threatening message. However, she contacted me after I left the group. She apologized and worried about me a lot. She said she was really sorry.” 
Hwayoung, who was a T-ara member with me, honestly took care of me a lot. She treasured me a lot because we were both new members.” 
At that time, I was very upset that Ryu Hwayoung and Ryu Hyoyoung received a lot of criticism from the public because of what happened between us. It was because, in a way, they were the people I was most grateful to.” 
I’m really fine now. I let go of the past and started anew. I hope many good things will happen to them and me.”

It is strange that Hyoyoung apparently waited until after Areum left T-ara a year later to apologize. It may that there is a problem with the translation and Areum means after Hwayoung left the group. That makes more sense. I always thought that Hyoyoung would not have been allowed to stay in the company if she had not apologized, and Hwayoung would have made Hyoyoung apologize if she didn't do so very quickly. If the apology was given soon after the incident then the rest of the group and the staff would surely have known about it. That would cast further suspicion on the motives of the person who leaked the messages. If he or she knew that Hyoyoung and Areum had made their peace, and that Areum did not want the story to come out, what sort of character are we dealing with here? We need to know whether the translation is correct.

Further reading 

3) Hwayoung Supports T-ara and T-ara Support Hwayoung

There is a widespread belief that Hwayoung lied about T-ara by claiming she was bullied and “playing the victim.” Hwayoung haters make these claims as if they are indisputable and universally accepted facts, but there is really no truth in them at all. She has never claimed she was bullied and never played the victim. She has supported to T-ara ever since her dismissal, wished them success and expressed her sympathy for the persecution they suffered. She is not responsible for what happened to T-ara. 

On 31 July 2012, the day after Hwayoung was fired, she posted a message on Twitter in which she called for the rumours to stop. She worded it rather weakly and vaguely, but at that time she would have been in a state of shock and bewilderment. Eight days before she had been performing as normal, then she sprained her ankle and within a week she had been kicked out of the group.

“To my fans, you've loved me until now, and I'm sorry that I've only given you disappointment. Please stop now, and look forward to our more mature and improved selves in the future. I apologize for making you worry during this time. I also want to apologize to my Core Contents Media family. I'll greet you all with a better image next time." 

Four weeks later, on 28 August 2012, with the scandal showing no signs of abating, she clearly felt that the campaign against T-ara was going too far, and had another go, this time making her meaning unmistakable. She wrote this on Twitter: 
"이번 은정언니 드라마하차기사를 접하고마음이좋지만은 않았습니다. 티아라활동을하면서 멤버들과 의견차로인해 대립이있었던건 사실이지만 이로인해 왕따설이돌고 상황이악화된사실들에 마음이 아팠습니다. 또한 서로 왜곡된사실들로 인해 상처받아 많이속상했습니다.

I feel sad when I read the news about Eunjung unnie has been replaced from her drama. Yes, during last month concert the member are having the conflict and differences opinion in the group but I don’t get it why netizen twisted the story into bullying issue and spread the false rumor. It did a big damage to me and T-ara, we are having really really hard time of this. I am really upset and hurt by this distorted false rumor. 
하지만 한솥밥을먹고 지내며 행복했던날들도있었기에 지난일은 잊고 이젠다시웃는얼굴로 서로를응원하며 지내고싶습니다. 티아라를 많이사랑해주시고 아껴주시고 찾아주셨는데 이번사건때문에 여러분들에게 많은 심려와 걱정끼쳐드려 죄송했습니다.
I will never forget the memories of being happy together as T-ara member, I hope everything will be wash away and we can finally put our smile on our faces. Lets us all hwaiting! Last I would love to say thanks for showing me and T-ara support and love, this incident has been giving you guys a big trouble and I am sorry to let you guys down… I am sorry"

Alternative translation:

"After reading the news that Eunjung unnie was withdrawn from her role in her drama, I did not feel good about it. After the nasty rounds of rumors about me being excluded from the group went around, the reality of the deteriorated situation was painful. I was truly hurt from the distortion of the truth.”

Hwayoung also added, “But since we did have our good times together I want to forget about everything bad that happened, and wish that we can cheer each other on. Please give T-ara a lot of love and caring attention. I apologize for causing our fans to worry because of the recent happenings.”

That is a very clear statement that the bullying rumours are false, but it was received in a variety of ways. KpopStarz reported it sensibly and accurately. “Hwayoung Directly Denies Bullying Rumors Associated with 'T-ARA Crisis' …Internet users commented, 'Hwayoung has said herself that it is not bullying so lets stop all this drama...'”  

Some T-ara fans were already so committed to hating Hwayoung that they didn't want to know what she was saying. "Honestly I dont know what she said and I dont care. The time for her to talk was end of July/beg of August. She stayed quiet to maximize damage to T-ARA. Hwasshole can go to HELL"  
Why It Makes Me Sorry That Hwayoung Is Sorry – Seoulbeats

So that fan would rather have his idols suffer years of hate and abuse than listen to Hwayoung, just because he missed her first attempt to stop the scandal, and all those fans who hate her have taken the same attitude. By accusing her of claiming she was bullied they gave the story more credibility and effectively campaigned against T-ara. That Seoulbeats page is well worth a read, along with this one: 

The next day, T-ara published a statement on their website, apologizing for their “immature” actions and asking the fans to give generous support and love to Hwayoung”

We are writing this letter after a long period of thinking.

The past month has felt longer than our pre-debut trainee years or the years that we spent receiving love from our fans.

First, we would like to sincerely apologize for hurting and disappointing so many people.

Not being able to solve the issue of the difference of our members’ will amongst ourselves and making our personal problems viewable to the public was a very immature thing to do and we are deeply reflecting upon our actions. We sincerely apologize for acting so carelessly.

If we would’ve understood, sacrificed and acted more maturely toward each other, none of this would have ever happened. At the thought of this, each and every day was so torturous to us.

When we look back, we know that everyone carried the same dream going forward and we tried to overcome hardships together. But in just one momentary action, those good times were shone with a negative light and it really pained our hearts.

We also think that it must have been so hard for Hwayoung, who was suffering because of the misunderstandings people had about her being bullied.

We were all so shocked at all of this because no one wanted it and no one even thought of this happening. And now, we are truly saddened that we cannot be together [with Hwayoung] anymore. We only hope that nothing hurtful will happen to Hwayoung from now on.

To all the people who were worried because of us, to all the disappointed people who loved our music – we are truly sorry.

We believe that this hard time was truly a big lesson for all of our members. Since we need to be ones to give strength to others, we realize how much of a responsibility we have and how we must take responsibility over every single thing we do.

From now on, to our parents who live for us, to all the fans who stayed with us till the end, to all the people who listen to our music… and to all of those who we’ve worried and disappointed – instead of breaking down, we would like to work even harder by asking for forgiveness.

We genuinely apologize. We also hope that you will give generous support and love to Hwayoung, who probably had it harder than us. We will always be supporting Hwayoung as well.

On September 10, in a phone interview with Dispatch, Hwayoung said, "I tried my best to wait patiently for their comeback performance. It’s because I was a T-Ara member before. Of course I’d be curious. That’s why I watched them with interest. I hope they’ll do well. I’m always cheering for them.”  
Interview With Hwayoung: “I Hope They’ll Do Well” | Soompi

Hwayoung gave T-ara further support in an interview in January 2014: 
“There's definitely things I did wrong, and I didn't get along very well with the other T-ARA members. But now everything's okay. While I rested I thought about suffering during practice with the other members, and how we would perform on stage. I hope that someday I'll be able to meet them again. Although we're no longer walking the same path, isn't there a chance that I'll meet the T-ARA members in entertainment or drama? I hope that actually happens. If it does I first want to say to them, 'Take courage!' That's because I know how much they had to suffer. I also want to see them, 'See you at the top.'"  

She also commented that the manipulated photos and "evidence" by netizens were absurd and frustrated 

If T-ara fans had used Hwayoung's evidence to clear them and treated her as T-ara asked them to instead of accusing her of lying, the scandal would have finished much sooner. The Hwayoung haters were T-ara's enemies and made it drag on for years.

4) Taxi

There is a very common belief that when Hwayoung appeared on Taxi, she talked about being bullied by T-ara and said that she had terrible time as a member. She did not. She said absolutely nothing about bullying and only a few words about her time in the group. This is the section of the interview that was given such a bad reception, copied from the English subtitles,
but unfortunately the video is not available because no longer exists.  
I heard Hwayoung was more determined to become a singer
That's true. It was disappointing, but if you think about it things can happen among girls. Members were immature back then. I'm including myself; I was a minor then. 
You were young 
I poured everything into singing, so I didn't get to experience the socialization process. I regret that. 
You gave up your dream. Didn't it hurt? 
You know, it really hurts.  
Did you cry by yourself? 
Many times. 
In front of your sister? 
No, alone in my room. 
Aww...poor Hwayoung... 
There was a time when I lost a lot of weight. Unni told me to stop losing weight. I weighed 40kg back then. There was nothing I could do. 
But you're an extrovert by nature...But it's your dream... Your sister sacrificed herself for that dream. How did you feel watching her, Hyoyoung? 
Yeah, during that incident she'd turn on TV and just stare at other singers 
(At this point we see that Hwayoung has turned her head and is looking through the window.) That's when my heart ached. (Now we see that Hwayoung's eyes are filling with tears.) 

Compare Hwayoung on Taxi with Eunjung on The Beatle2 Code and T-ara in their apology letter reproduced in Section 3.
Eunjung: “It was our fault because we were careless and immature.”  
T-ara Apologize – YouTube 
Hwayoung: “Things can happen among girls. Members were immature then. I'm including myself.” 
That is all Hwayoung said on Taxi about the problems that occurred within T-ara. Why should T-ara fans be angry when what she said matches what Eunjung had said previously? They should not, but the Hwayoung haters were incandescent with rage. Some people have interpreted this as an attempt to blame T-ara for the problems, because she says “members” first, but that is ridiculous because she was one of the members and she adds “I'm including myself” immediately to emphasize that. The truth is that it's an attempt to take the pressure off T-ara. If Hwayoung could dismiss the whole thing as something that happened because of immaturity and poor communication, then there was no reason for anyone to continue campaigning against T-ara. The interpretation of the ex-staffer who leaked Hyoyoung story was that when Hwayoung said “things can happen among girls” she was referring to the threat, but that is very unlikely. Hwayoung was talking about the problems between herself and the other T-ara members. The Hyoyoung story was not known to the public and none of the people involved wanted it to come out, so why would Hwayoung talk about that? Hwayoung haters also object to her crying in the interview, which did not happen until her sister was talking about how she felt watching Hwayoung going through such a hard time, and even object to her saying that she cried after she was fired. I don't know how many of them think she meant that she cried while she was a member of T-ara, but anyone who thinks that has not watched the video of the interview carefully. The crying is what I would expect from anyone in her position. She had been kicked out of T-ara after working very hard and giving great performances. She was shocked, she was depressed, she was grieving, and that was because she wanted to stay in T-ara. She should have the sympathy of the fans, but they reacted with fury and vile abuse. Hwayoung has shown concern and sympathy for T-ara throughout the years, but her haters don't seem to have genuinely considered her feelings at all. 

Earlier in the interview there is something interesting. For a while I thought this might be something that had stimulated some anger, but it seems to have gone unnoticed. When the twins are asked about the differences between them, Hyoyoung says that Hwayoung doesn't hold grudges. T-ara fans might have thought the intention was to suggest that a grudge would be justified and to portray T-ara as villains, while presenting Hwayoung as a kind and forgiving person, when she really wants to gain sympathy and publicity for herself while taking revenge on T-ara. And there you have it; Hwayoung, in a few words spoken by someone else, simultaneously “playing the victim” and “taking the high road”, as the angry ex-staffer put it, but that would be the wrong way to take it. If Hyoyoung's mention of Hwayoung not holding grudges was an intentional, planned reference to T-ara, then surely it was aimed not at them, but at their haters. If Hwayoung has no grudge against T-ara, then there is really no reason for anyone else to hate them. There is another possible meaning though, which I think is far more convincing. Hyoyoung is talking about Hwayoung not holding a grudge against her. It was Hyoyoung's shocking texts to Areum, probably written while drunk, that scuppered Hwayoung's reconciliation with Ta-ara. The next day Hyoyoung would have thought, “Oh no, what have I done? Hwayoung will never forgive me.” It must have been difficult for Hwayoung, knowing that her sister destroyed any chance she still had of remaining in the group, but she was able to forgive her. Now it all makes sense; Hyoyoung holding Hwayoung's hand so tight, Hwayoung saying "I want to reveal some truths," Hyoyoung saying, "Until here is good. Say more, it'll be a disaster." Angry T-ara fans will not believe that "Hwasnake" is someone who can forgive others for any wrongs they have done her, because, in their view, they are the good people and Hwayoung is a snake. That means that Hyoyoung has to be lying, and Hwayoung really does hold grudges, so the reason for saying that has to be to make people think that she has a reason to have a grudge, and that T-ara bullied her. The reality, though, is that it is not a lie, but absolutely, undeniably true. That's why Hwayoung has remained so close to Hyoyoung, and why she has always supported T-ara despite being angry at first. It is ironic that the story which turned the scandal around and made Hwayoung so hated is one which actually proves her to be a far more loving and forgiving person than all those who call her a snake or a bitch, and hold her responsible for all T-ara's troubles. They now loudly proclaim their triumph, but fail to realize that it shows them for the vicious bullies they really are, and that it proves nothing either way about the other T-ara members. I have no doubt about T-ara; there was never any serious case against them.

5) The Ankle Injury

Many T-ara fans claim that Hwayoung pretended to be injured before T-ara's first concerts at the Budokan, a 14,000 seat arena in Tokyo, because she was lazy and wanted to avoid working. This is complete nonsense. She loved being on stage and put a lot of effort into it. See this live Lovey Dovey, two and a half months before the Budokan concerts. Hwayoung is the one wearing the yellow top. 
120512 티아라(T-ARA) Lovey Dovey @ Dream Concert - YouTube

There's no way she would have wanted to miss out on a big event like that. At the concerts she performed just one song, Day by Day, sitting on a chair. It is said that the rehearsal should have taken about two hours, but because of the changes to the choreography and lighting forced by her not taking part in the dances it took eight hours. The Budokan concerts, on 25 and 26 July 2012 were the end of a Japanese tour which started in June, so virtually all the work had been done already. Long rehearsal sessions are normal when preparing for concerts, but by that time they all knew exactly what they were doing and would only need to adjust to the different stage where they would be performing, so if Hwayoung faked the injury because she was lazy, what was the work that she was trying to avoid? It's just not credible that she would do all the hard work to prepare and then decide to drop out just before the climax of the tour. 

On 23 July 2012, after T-ara performed at the Ulsan Music Core Special, Hwayoung twisted her ankle, then they travelled back to Seoul, arriving at 3am. The members had about three hours of sleep before flying to Japan, and Hwayoung must have had less than the others that night because she went to the hospital seeking treatment. She was keen to obtain a cast or brace for her leg, but why did she want that? Most people seem to assume that it was because she wanted to appear more injured than she really was, but it's more likely that she just wanted something that would give the ankle enough support to enable her to perform at the Budokan, which would be two days after the injury occurred. She may have thought that might give her time to recover enough for the first of the concerts, but, looking at the available evidence, my guess is that she had a Grade 2 sprain: 
"moderate to severe pain with severe difficulty on walking. Minor bruising and swelling may present immediately but can take several hours (up to 48) to develop. The ankle will feel very stiff but may also feel unstable resulting from a number of torn ligament fibres. Recovery time is between 4 and 8 weeks." 
Sprained Ankle - Treatment, Rehabilitation & Exercises 

If that is right, then the truth is that with the injury she had, there was never any possibility of her being able to perform on her feet so soon. After arriving in Japan she went to another hospital. She already had the brace, but must have felt that it was not sufficient, so she was looking for extra treatment. “Just like what the hospitals in Korea said, the hospital in Japan also said a leg cast was unnecessary. It would heal naturally, but it did need extra attention.” 
A Chronological Timeline and Conclusion of the T-ara Scandal, Dispatch’s interview with T-ara’s staff | Diadem   

I have seen many comments claiming that the doctors told her there was nothing wrong, but what they said is that the ankle did not need a cast, which is not normally used for sprains. The proper treatment for Hwayoung's injury is PRICE. “The best ankle sprain treatment to start with is PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This aims to reduce the bleeding, swelling and pain around the injured ligament which helps to speed up healing.” 
Ankle Sprain Treatment, Recovery & Prevention - Foot Pain Explored

So the hospital would have advised that she needed to rest the ankle and definitely not dance on it. That immediately wipes out virtually all of her performance, as she had very little solo singing and a few raps that could be done by other members. Some have argued that if she was not fit to dance, she should have sat at the side and sung, but would anyone really notice the absence of Hwayoung's voice? Probably the only part when the others could not easily cover for her vocally was the rap segments of Day By Day, and she was on stage for that. 

Another thing that often I see is people telling us how Eunjung and Jiyeon performed with injuries. When Eunjung had an ankle injury T-ara were promoting Lovey Dovey, and they were promoting Number 9 when Jiyeon was suffering from synovitis in her knee. They really shouldn't have been performing with those problems, but it's one thing to limp around on a bad leg for a few minutes and quite another to do it for an entire two-hour concert, and it's worth noting that Eunjung made her injury worse and was absent from the later performances. 

Because Hwayoung was not going to be dancing at the concert, the choreography had to be adjusted, and the rehearsal is said to have gone on for eight hours. She should have gone to the rehearsal to contribute whatever she could and to help maintain morale, but the other members should have supported her when she had an injury that put her out of action, rather than making their own amateur diagnosis and ganging up on the girl who was missing the chance to perform at the big event. By the time she left may well have been very tired and distressed both physically and mentally, and if the other members were already accusing Hwayoung of exaggerating her injury on the flight, as seems likely, then it's not surprising that she wanted to stay away from them. The idea that she missed the rehearsal to get her nails done is ridiculous and false. That was just something that she thought of because she wasn't going to be doing much else, and there is some doubt about whether she had her nails done that day.  

The following is a reply I wrote to someone who claimed that Hwayoung was not faking the injury at first, but the next day she was fine and just didn't want to do the concerts. 

If Hwayoung was not faking the injury at first she was not faking it over the next few days either because sprained ankles take a long time to heal. Sprains are classified as Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3. 

Grade 1 – Stretched ligaments, some pain, some stiffness, some difficulty walking or running. Recovery time 2 to 4 weeks. 

Grade 2 – Torn ligaments, moderate to severe pain with severe difficulty walking. Minor bruising and swelling which may take as long as two days to develop, so it may not look bad at first. The ankle will feel very stiff and may feel unstable. Recovery time 4 to 8 weeks. 

Grade 3 – Severe tears or complete ruptures of ligaments. Severe pain immediately and the ankle may feel very unstable and weak. Swelling usually develops immediately and bruising often develops over the next two days. X-ray often required to ensure no bones are broken. Recovery time up to three months. 
Sprained Ankle - Treatment, Rehabilitation & Exercises

Some claim that Hwayoung's x-ray showed there was nothing wrong, but the ligaments are not visible on an x-ray, so it cannot do that, and that fact that an x-ray was done suggests that the injury was quite bad. Sportsinjuryclinic tells us that an x-ray is often required with a Grade 3 sprain, but does not mention it for Grade 1 or Grade 2. For a Grade 1 the x-ray would be probably be considered unnecessary, for a Grade 2 it might be done just to make sure. Hwayoung's injury does not appear to have been as bad as a Grade 3, so the x-ray may have been requested by the patient or by the company, who were keen for her to perform at the concerts, but presumably not if she had broken bones. The mistake was thinking that because the bones were not broken there was nothing seriously wrong. 

 I think Hwayoung's injury was probably a Grade 2 sprain, not just because of the x-rays, but because it fits her behaviour; walking a bit, perhaps to try it out and see what she could do, then deciding that she needed assistance. If I am right it is likely she would be back to normal some time in late August or September, and there was never any possibility of her being fit for those concerts. 

23 July – Injury 
24 July – Rehearsal 
25 July – First concert 
26 July – Second concert 
27 July – Music Bank 

Elenora wrote some very good comments on Soompi about how a misunderstanding could happen. They are among best contributions to the Hwayoung debate that I have seen. 

Elenora -> Sorbet Mei 
I am deeply skeptical about the staff opinion regarding the ankle injury. There's a misconception that you either break your ankle or don't - the truth is you can really screw up the ligaments and tendons and it hurts like the devil and frequently doesn't repair because there's nothing that can be done. You can't see that damage on an x-ray, you need an MRI. Most of the time they won't give you a cast but walking is very difficult (if possible at all) and you really should spend your time at home with your foot elevated. 

We've all seen that some management companies get their group members on stage even if they're ready to keel over and only seem contrite if someone DOES keel over. If Hwayoung thought she couldn't walk even though the doctor said no break, then that's something only she would know. From that point, the choreography had to be changed no matter what. If the combined staff and group members decided to hold that against Hwayoung and start the rumor that she wasn't actually that injured? Well, that's an excellent start to one heck of a grudge. 

Do I know that Hwayoung really couldn't perform? Nope. But unless the staff were moonlighting as doctors, I'm pretty sure all they know is what the management group told them - and it was in the management group's interests to keep her onstage. 

nmm -> Elenora
But they did go to doctors in 2 different countries who said the same thing tho. So it's not the staff's saying she didn't need the cast but the doctors did. But it's another case if you think the staff or the doctor was lying 

Elenora -> nmm 
I don't think anyone's lying. I think the doctors saw a ligament injury that has no real "fix" - it's important to elevate it and stay off it, but there's no direct benefit of a cast's structure. And I don't think the staff are lying (though I think they're extremely biased). 

My best guess is that Korean companies tend to work their groups to exhaustion, and may have assumed that because there was no cast or injury visible on x-ray, she was good to go. But she knew very well that she wasn't good to go and that trying to use that ankle would injure it further, so a doctor told her a cast wouldn't do any harm and that's why she wore it. She probably also wore it in public to explain why she wasn't performing, given how closely kpop fans follow this stuff - I can imagine what would've come her way if she was seen limping through an airport and then not performing. 

I think it's a toxic mix: a girl who genuinely got injured too badly to perform but not badly enough for it to be a break, a couple of doctors who all saw the same thing, another doctor who agreed that a visual shorthand for the injury would be a good idea, a management company who had motive for meeting appearance commitments, and then a really gross swirl of bitchy backbiting between the management, staff and group members regarding the girl who wasn't there. I don't think there's any one person responsible, though I'd look more closely at the management company than anyone else. 

Elenora -> nmm 
I don't think anyone was lying. I think the same diagnosis can get different opinions, based on the people in the room and the context provided. For example, when I had leg surgery my doctor told me that I could go back to work in two weeks. But then I explained that my job is one with lots of international travel and standing, and she instantly changed her recommendation and told me I'd be out for 6 weeks. The thing that changed is that she'd thought I'd drive to a suburban office and sit at a desk 8 hours a day with my foot on a stool, when in fact even on non-travel days I'm walking about 3 miles through cities. Totally different recommendation, same injury. 

If Hwayoung went to a doctor with the management company, they may have presented a much less realistic story than reality - management is known to do that. In contrast, when she went with her father it's possible that she described her busiest possible day on the job (which, given the Japan travel, sounds likely). That would easily result in different doctors giving different recommendations. 

Daisy Fung -> Elenora 
First doctor says she doesn't need a cast. Second doctor says she needed one. Third doctor says the same thing as the first. The second doctor visit was accompanied by her father while the first and last one wasn't.

Elenora -> Daisy Fung 
Ankle injuries are tricky. Casts are a visible signal that the person is hurt, but if the ankle is injured in a way where there's really nothing to be done and no benefit to the cast's structure, then a doctor will typically skip it. That doesn't mean the ankle is undamaged. I don't think you're taking into account the demands the management company may have had, or the concerns her father may have had. Many bosses ask their people to "play hurt", as in "continue to work through an injury". A cast would send a visual message that the person is not available for activities that would aggravate the injury. 

Elenora -> Daisy Fung 
Doctors have differing opinions, and a doctor's visit with a management company who are very vested in getting her back onstage might come away with different recommendations than one with her father who was mostly focused on her wellbeing.

6) Sabotage or Support?

We have already seen that in September 2012 Hwayoung said, "I hope they’ll do well; I’m always cheering for them," but haters often accuse her of trying to spoil T-ara's promotions when they have a comeback.

They complain that when Little Apple was released she posted a picture of herself with an apple pierced with cloves. She did, but there is no reason to think that she had any malicious intent. For the haters, though, that is always their starting point, which is why I saw one saying that she mocked T-ara by posting rotten apples on Instagram. It's not true, but why bother checking when it fits her prejudice? The truth is that it was a clove apple, which is a natural air freshener. 

Clove Apples | Still Leveling
There is no reason to think that a picture of Hwayoung with an apple would damage T-ara in any way. 

When T-ara were promoting So Crazy, Hwayoung posted a picture of herself on a boat, wearing a Marine hat, as the members did in the video, and her haters again accused her of sabotage. If a retired footballer appeared wearing his old team's shirt, no-one would think he was doing anything but supporting them, and what Hwayoung did was just the same, but the haters are so consumed by their false belief that she wants to hurt T-ara and gain publicity for herself at their expense that they ignore the obvious meaning and fixate on an idea with no credibility. They seem to regard any appearance by Hwayoung, who has never accused T-ara of anything, as damaging to the group, and think that she has a duty to stay out of sight if T-ara are doing any promotion or will be doing any soon, or even if there is a chance that they will have some news to announce. In January 2018 Hyoyoung put a picture of the twins and their younger sister on Instagram. The next day, T-ara announced that they were leaving their company, MBK. This prompted a hater to write, “The new T-Ara news came out. Of course the snake twins would also appear.”

It's totally ridiculous. Instagram users don't have to consult former colleagues and ask for permission before posting pictures of themselves, and Hyoyoung's post had no effect on T-ara's ability to put their news in the media.

7) Hwayoung and the Staff

One of the things that Hwayoung is accused of is upsetting the staff by being rude to them and severely criticizing their work, particularly the hairdressers, whom she is alleged to have called “Shampoo” instead of using their names. This may not be as straightforward as it initially appears.

When Hwayoung joined T-ara many fans did not welcome her. They resented her jumping in and gaining instant success when the other members had worked so hard to make the group popular. If the fans felt like that, how did the staff feel? Perhaps that they had worked hard too, for low wages (KKS himself said they were underpaid) and then this new girl appeared from nowhere and shot past them to a much higher status without having done anything to earn it. She must have been working hard and doing well in training, but they wouldn't have been involved. That might well lead to them victimizing her, treating her as someone not worthy of their attention, giving her that horrible haircut, and putting her in clothes that were so unsuitable that she suffered an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction, the notorious “nipple slip” incident, when she was exposed on a music show. It is part of the stylists' job to make sure that nothing like that happens, but it did, and it happened to the new member. That the staff took a dislike to her for reasons that were not her fault is more credible than the idea that Hwayoung was just a bitch who liked making people miserable. That is the story that the staff like to tell, and it is not consistent with anything that I have been able to establish as true. She is good with children and animals, and seems quite timid and reticent when she's seen with the other members, but looks very happy when she gets some attention from them. I am sure she loved and admired them, and needed a lot of love from her unnies, just like Areum said she did.

It is interesting that the other members don't seem to have had a negative attitude to her. They would have been fully aware of how hard she had to work and they knew that they couldn't blame her for taking the chance she had been given. If the problem was really more the staff than Hwayoung, that explains why she was not removed from the group earlier. I find it hard to accept the notion that 19 staff were constantly belittled and humiliated by one girl, and no action was taken until a bullying scandal started, then suddenly her behaviour was considered so intolerable that she had to be fired immediately instead of having some time off to recover from her injury and sort out her relationship with the staff. The story makes no sense and that is why it only intensified the scandal.

I have another reason for not trusting the staff who blame Hwayoung for the problems. When the twins appeared on Taxi an anonymous former staff member used the unjustified outrage as an excuse to reveal Hyoyoung's texts. It was cynical, reckless, inconsiderate and insensitive. It showed a lack of concern for Areum and caused her a lot of unnecessary trouble. In addition to that, Hyoyoung and Areum had already sorted out their problem, but that staffer didn't care and wanted to take revenge against Hwayoung. How many of the other staff were like that? 

They seem to have been one of the reasons Areum, another who leapt into the group from nowhere, didn't last long in T-ara. On 18 February 2018 Soompi reported Areum saying this:
“Hwayoung truly has a cool personality. She was a person who took good care of me, the new member of the group. I heard that Hwayoung scolded Hyoyoung for sending those text messages to me.”
Han Areum revealed she feels no resentment towards her members. She said, “I was hurt by the staff and people around me rather than my members."
Han Areum Opens Up About Bullying Controversy, Life After Leaving T-ara, And "The Unit" | Soompi

If the staff hurt Areum there is a strong chance that they hurt Hwayoung too. That would be why she didn't like them and why she reacted angrily to the Shampoo accusation, which she felt was unfair.

The manager who went to the hospital with Hwayoung must have known that she felt she was not was fit for the stage. By reporting to KKS and presumably the other members and staff that the hospital said there was no problem he created the conditions for a major rift and I think it's likely that it was a deliberate attempt to split Hwayoung from the group. That is not something that you would normally expect a manager to do, but a few days later he was calling for her to be removed so it's a reasonable suspicion in this case.

If I am right then the staff, or some of the staff, were the root cause of the scandal that caused so much misery. They have played the innocent victims and shifted the blame onto Hwayoung. As witnesses I find them unreliable and insincere, but please don't start a hate campaign against them. My aim is to defend the innocent, not punish the guilty, and I do not have absolute proof. Certain people have questions to answer, but they don't seem to have been asked. They should not be considered proven guilty without having a chance to defend themselves and it is not for us to impose justice. 

One interesting feature of this affair is how quickly the stories about Hwayoung and Hyoyoung appeared after Taxi. It was so fast that it's worth considering the possibility that it was planned in advance, with everything carefully prepared to create uproar among fans about Hwayoung “playing the victim” and immediately hit them with tales of faking injury and threatening violence. 


When Kim Woori told the Shampoo story he did it on TV so everyone knew who was speaking. Why was the staff member who told the Hyoyoung story anonymous? Giving a name would improve his/her credibility as it would be easy to check whether the person really worked for CCM. There are three obvious reasons for choosing to be anonymous. 


It could be someone who did not really work with T-ara, but this seems unlikely.

It could be a genuine staff member who was not as innocent as the image that we are usually given and did not want Hwayoung to come back with her own counter allegations. This still leaves the problem of having a copy of Hyoyoung's messages.

(Some readers may be thinking "You are anonymous. Why should we believe you?" The difference is that I am not claiming to have been there and to have direct first-hand knowledge of the events. All my facts come from the documents that I have read, and they are available to everyone, so my identity does not matter.) 

The third possibility is one that I think is quite likely. CCM/MBK had sat on the Hyoyoung story for years and wanted to tell it to make T-ara look like victims of bullying by Hwayoung and Hyoyoung. They couldn't do that back in 2012 because they wanted to keep it as a deterrent to stop Hwayoung talking too much. Had they made it public she could have responded with the details of the way she was treated in Japan and that was a risk they didn't want to take. They needed to do it in a sneaky way so that the public would not know that they were responsible and Hwayoung would not have a reason to attack the company. This could be considered risky as they would be relying on Hwayoung's goodwill towards T-ara to keep her from defending herself and Hyoyoung, but she had shown over the previous four years that she had no wish to create extra problems for them. 


The interview was recorded well in advance of the broadcast and it is reasonable to suspect that there were people working for TVN who knew people high up in MBK and were keen to help restore T-ara's reputation. If they tipped them off about Hwayoung crying in the taxi when they were talking about the time when she left the group they could prepare the story and the social media campaign. As it turns out there may have been no need for TVN to inform MBK directly because they put out a trailer which set the process going among the fans and introduced the idea that Hwayoung cried while talking about T-ara. 


The episode was shown on 8th February 2017, but the fans were already discussing it on 1st February, making comments like these:

Again using t-ara”

Oh my god can't she leave T-ara alone already??

Looks like she still always has to bring them up to boost her 'career'"

Don't worry, Queen's (T-ara fans) will call her out on her bullshit if she tries to victimize herself again

She really is a good actress, she fooled a whole nation into believing she was "bullied" and now she tries to get popular with that because back then she realized that she never stood out in T-ara at all lol”

WTF? What's that for? She's just answering the question. The fans are assuming that she chose the subject she was talking about and that she was trying to gain an advantage at T-ara's expense. And this was a week before the broadcast! If she had ever tried to make herself look like T-ara's victim she could have done a much better job of it. The fans' insistence on trying to clear T-ara by portraying Hwayoung as a monster meant they rejected her denials of bullying and interpreted everything she said in a very twisted way. Taxi is just another example of that. When the broadcast came they went for her viciously, accusing her of playing the victim and crying about being bullied even though she didn't say anything about bullying and hardly mentioned the other members at all. 


By taking advantage of this storm of outrage and presenting the story in a way that resulted in headlines like “Former T-ara Staff Member 'Can't Watch Hwayoung Play Victim,' Tells All About Bullying Scandal" MBK (or possibly an unauthorized former employee) gave the impression that a staff member was standing up for T-ara and Areum and they were able to turn opinion against Hwayoung.

8) Why Fans Blame Hwayoung

T-ara were hated because they were thought to be bullies. That belief sprang up because of their tweets and then was then reinforced by misleadingly edited video clips. It was not a result of anything that Hwayoung did, said or wrote. She made it very clear that she was not bullied and asked people to support T-ara, who apologized for their immature behaviour and asked the fans to support Hwayoung. T-ara fans who blame Hwayoung can be divided into various categories. 

1) Can't forgive T-ara for their tweets 
They can't forgive T-ara for embarrassing and disappointing them by making themselves look like bullies, so they want to transfer their anger onto someone else. By insisting that it's all Hwayoung's fault they sidestep the problem of needing to forgive them and can simply hate Hwayoung instead. 

2) Believe T-ara bullied Hwayoung 
They believe the bullying was real. They don't actually care about that (I've even seen some comment that they would have bullied her), but they're afraid that Hwayoung will reveal the truth and T-ara will be proven guilty, so they try to discredit her. They shouldn't worry, though. Hwayoung has been telling the truth all along. 

3) Believe it's Hwayoung's fault 
They actually believe the myths that they read, even though they don't make sense, because they want T-ara to be innocent and the story seems convenient. They are just too lazy, too complacent, too uncaring or too stupid to find out and understand the truth. Am I being a bit harsh? It takes time, diligence and perhaps a particular way of thinking to sort it out, but many of those people believe that Hwayoung never denied she was bullied because they didn't bother to find out, and make hateful comments denouncing her as a snake and saying that she ruined T-ara's lives. Just like T-ara's haters they don't let their ignorance stop them spreading hate, so no, I'm not being too harsh. I've made learning the truth easier by writing the story here, but it still requires a willingness to consider different viewpoints and reassess existing beliefs. 

4) Believed Hwayoung was bullied but changed their minds 
These are the people who are most responsible for T-ara's ordeal. They encouraged hatred of T-ara by spreading the stories of bullying. Hwayoung said they weren't true but these people chose to believe that she was trying to protect her bullies. When the “anonymous former staff member” spoke out after Taxi they jumped onto the anti-Hwayoung bandwagon and accused her of deceiving the nation, even though she had never supported their belief. It's so much easier to blame her than to accept that it was their mistake.

The haters themselves say that they know the what happened because the truth was revealed by the staff in February 2017 and by the CEO, Kim Kwang Soo, in May 2018, but their version of the story is partial in both senses – both incomplete and biased. If you compare what Hwayoung, Areum and the original members have said it's difficult to find any disagreement among them, but the Hwayoung haters ignore all of that and concentrate on the stories from the staff, who didn't get on with Hwayoung, and the CEO, who fired her and made the problem much worse. They have their own reasons for portraying Hwayoung as a troublemaker. It makes the staff look innocent when it's possible that they were more responsible for their bad relationship with Hwayoung than she was, it distracts attention from the disastrous management decisions of KKS, and of course they all want to protect T-ara's image. 

The issues of the injury, the nails and the rest are really just about making excuses. The fact is that even if all those allegations against Hwayoung were true they wouldn't give anyone a reason to suspect T-ara of bullying. T-ara did that themselves with their tweets, which were not a legitimate expression of frustration, but at best a very foolish and thoughtless move which was bound to be hurtful and divisive, and looks like an attempt to humiliate a fellow member. Following it up by demanding a public apology just reinforces the impression that for those few days they were behaving in a bullying manner. Apparently they realized what they had done wrong and changed their attitude, enabling them to have a productive conversation with Hwayoung before the Music Bank rehearsal two days later. 

The day after Hwayoung's statement T-ara posted a letter on their website apologizing for making their dispute public through Twitter and saying they could have avoided the whole scandal by behaving in a more mature way. Despite that, some fans can't accept that T-ara did anything wrong and are desperate to present them as perfectly innocent. They feel aggrieved that their group's reputation was ruined and someone has to take the blame. It can't be the netizens who made false accusations because that doesn't deal with the problem of T-ara giving them the opportunity, so it has to be Hwayoung. They claim that she drove them to write their tweets by refusing to talk to them, and accuse her of pretending she was bullied. They even argue that she only said T-ara didn't bully her to make the public think that she is a wonderful person who is kind to her bullies. To put it another way, they claimed that she said she wasn't bullied because she wanted people to believe she was, that she told the truth because she wanted the public to believe a lie that she didn't tell them, and they are still making that claim now. So what do they expect her to say if she wants people to believe she wasn't bullied? Simple: "It was all my fault. I was the bully." Anything less is regarded as playing victim and an accusation of bullying. 

The idea that she wanted to protect T-ara is one that they find troublesome. Their whitewash hangs so heavily on Hwayoung being a lazy, lying, bullying bitch who was determined to destroy them that it completely collapses if her statements are seen as sincere.* That means that everything she has done to help T-ara has to be interpreted as a sly attack designed to ruin them, and if she says she cried after she had to leave the group, as any normal person would expect, that is playing the victim and implying that she was bullied. Some fans are so twisted that they hate me for not hating Hwayoung or T-ara. Mish mish wrote, “real crime here is people like you. i prefer clear cut fans or straightforward antis. but are the sick kind. bouncing from side to side pretending to be an intellectual.”** My guess is that she belongs in Category 4. She used be one of T-ara's antis and that's why she hates me instead of them. She can't accept responsibility for believing that T-ara were bullies, but if I show that it's not Hwayoung's fault then it must be her own fault, and for someone who claims to love T-ara that is a problem. 
* Is that too much alliteration? 
** I don't bounce from side to side; I'm with T-ara and Hwayoung who have been on the same side for six years, and I the only thing I pretend to be is a nightjar. 
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