Monday, January 21, 2019

1) Preface

How did T-ara go from being one of the most popular groups in South Korea to the most hated, and who was responsible for their downfall? On these pages I will tell you the truth of a story that many people think they know but few understand.

These are some of the questions that will be answered here.

Did T-ara bully Hwayoung?

Did Hwayoung say she was bullied?

What has Hwayoung said about T-ara?

What have T-ara said about Hwayoung?

What did Hwayoung say on Taxi?

Why do some T-ara fans hate Hwayoung?

Was Hwayoung really injured?

Was Hwayoung lazy?

Did Hwayoung ruin T-ara's career?

Did Hwayoung play the victim?

If you have come to this page with little or no knowledge of the story you have chosen the right place to learn about it. I have not seen anything on this subject which is anywhere near as fair, truthful and thorough. Those of you who believe you already know all about it you may be in for a few shocks, but please read it all and think carefully for a while rather than just reacting angrily. There is really nothing here that should upset any fans unless they are among the people who contributed to the problem.

T-ara were wrongly accused and treated very badly. Some people think that I am biased against them, or even that I hate them, but that is completely wrong. They made some mistakes but they realized what they done wrong and apologized, and their behaviour has been exemplary ever since. They are fallible but lovabIe and I genuinely respect and admire them.

Your responses are welcome if you have genuine points that you want to discuss, but I will check them before publication to prevent the comment section filling up with the usual "bitch" and "snake" that we have seen so many times before.

No T-ara fan should be angry about anything I have written here, but somebody clearly is, as you can see in the first comment. Hwayoung never called for anyone's throat to be cut, so does this person really think that he or she is better? Please don't give me any more comments inciting murder. The only reason I am publishing this one is to show how toxic the culture of Hwayoung hating is. It's just like the T-ara hating that went on for years. 

Many of the Hwayoung haters say that she must apologize before they can forgive her. What they mean is that she must apologize for all the things that they accuse her of doing, but I believe that will never happen because she didn't do most of those things. This means the haters hang onto their pain and anger. They could learn from the example of Eva Kor, who died this month, July 2019. As a child she was imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp where she and her twin sister were among 1500 pairs of twins used for experiments by the infamous Josef Mengele. The rest of her family were killed and most of the twins died, but Eva and her sister survived. As an adult she realized that she needed to forgive the people who had done terrible things to her and when she did it freed her. You can hear her talking about it in a podcast of BBC Radio 4's Last Word

If she could forgive those people then the haters can forgive Hwayoung. Perhaps they could start with something they might find easier and forgive T-ara for getting themselves into trouble with their tweets, and I mean genuinely forgive them, not just insist that it was right or that Hwayoung made them do it. They could then see the story from a different angle and accept T-ara's admission that they could have avoided the whole problem by acting in a more mature way.

Updated 20 July 2019


  1. Die mf cock sucker bitch face hwayoung fan like your mf cock sucker bitch face bias. You mf need to be slit in the throat just like your fck face bitch.

    1. Why are you so angry? I don't hate T-ara or think they were bullies. If you read the revised version of the preface you may understand my position better.
      Hwayoung asked fans to support T-ara and T-ara asked them to support Hwayoung. If you loved and respected T-ara you would not even call Hwayoung a bitch, but you have gone way beyond that. Your comment proves you are far worse even than you imagine the twins to be. Hyoyoung wrote something she shouldn't have written, but that was in the heat of the crisis when she was concerned about her sister, it didn't involve death threats, I suspect she was drunk, and we know she apologized because Areum told us. Your comment is seven years later, long after the persecution of T-ara ended and you are calling for my throat to be cut. If I receive an apology from you I will be very surprised.
      Do you think T-ara would be proud of you? I think they would be horrified.

