Monday, January 21, 2019

5) The Ankle Injury

Many T-ara fans claim that Hwayoung pretended to be injured before T-ara's first concerts at the Budokan, a 14,000 seat arena in Tokyo, because she was lazy and wanted to avoid working. This is complete nonsense. She loved being on stage and put a lot of effort into it. See this live Lovey Dovey, two and a half months before the Budokan concerts. Hwayoung is the one wearing the yellow top. 
120512 티아라(T-ARA) Lovey Dovey @ Dream Concert - YouTube

There's no way she would have wanted to miss out on a big event like that. At the concerts she performed just one song, Day by Day, sitting on a chair. It is said that the rehearsal should have taken about two hours, but because of the changes to the choreography and lighting forced by her not taking part in the dances it took eight hours. The Budokan concerts, on 25 and 26 July 2012 were the end of a Japanese tour which started in June, so virtually all the work had been done already. Long rehearsal sessions are normal when preparing for concerts, but by that time they all knew exactly what they were doing and would only need to adjust to the different stage where they would be performing, so if Hwayoung faked the injury because she was lazy, what was the work that she was trying to avoid? It's just not credible that she would do all the hard work to prepare and then decide to drop out just before the climax of the tour. 

On 23 July 2012, after T-ara performed at the Ulsan Music Core Special, Hwayoung twisted her ankle, then they travelled back to Seoul, arriving at 3am. The members had about three hours of sleep before flying to Japan, and Hwayoung must have had less than the others that night because she went to the hospital seeking treatment. She was keen to obtain a cast or brace for her leg, but why did she want that? Most people seem to assume that it was because she wanted to appear more injured than she really was, but it's more likely that she just wanted something that would give the ankle enough support to enable her to perform at the Budokan, which would be two days after the injury occurred. She may have thought that might give her time to recover enough for the first of the concerts, but, looking at the available evidence, my guess is that she had a Grade 2 sprain: 
"moderate to severe pain with severe difficulty on walking. Minor bruising and swelling may present immediately but can take several hours (up to 48) to develop. The ankle will feel very stiff but may also feel unstable resulting from a number of torn ligament fibres. Recovery time is between 4 and 8 weeks." 
Sprained Ankle - Treatment, Rehabilitation & Exercises 

If that is right, then the truth is that with the injury she had, there was never any possibility of her being able to perform on her feet so soon. After arriving in Japan she went to another hospital. She already had the brace, but must have felt that it was not sufficient, so she was looking for extra treatment. “Just like what the hospitals in Korea said, the hospital in Japan also said a leg cast was unnecessary. It would heal naturally, but it did need extra attention.” 
A Chronological Timeline and Conclusion of the T-ara Scandal, Dispatch’s interview with T-ara’s staff | Diadem   

I have seen many comments claiming that the doctors told her there was nothing wrong, but what they said is that the ankle did not need a cast, which is not normally used for sprains. The proper treatment for Hwayoung's injury is PRICE. “The best ankle sprain treatment to start with is PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. This aims to reduce the bleeding, swelling and pain around the injured ligament which helps to speed up healing.” 
Ankle Sprain Treatment, Recovery & Prevention - Foot Pain Explored

So the hospital would have advised that she needed to rest the ankle and definitely not dance on it. That immediately wipes out virtually all of her performance, as she had very little solo singing and a few raps that could be done by other members. Some have argued that if she was not fit to dance, she should have sat at the side and sung, but would anyone really notice the absence of Hwayoung's voice? Probably the only part when the others could not easily cover for her vocally was the rap segments of Day By Day, and she was on stage for that. 

Another thing that often I see is people telling us how Eunjung and Jiyeon performed with injuries. When Eunjung had an ankle injury T-ara were promoting Lovey Dovey, and they were promoting Number 9 when Jiyeon was suffering from synovitis in her knee. They really shouldn't have been performing with those problems, but it's one thing to limp around on a bad leg for a few minutes and quite another to do it for an entire two-hour concert, and it's worth noting that Eunjung made her injury worse and was absent from the later performances. 

Because Hwayoung was not going to be dancing at the concert, the choreography had to be adjusted, and the rehearsal is said to have gone on for eight hours. She should have gone to the rehearsal to contribute whatever she could and to help maintain morale, but the other members should have supported her when she had an injury that put her out of action, rather than making their own amateur diagnosis and ganging up on the girl who was missing the chance to perform at the big event. By the time she left may well have been very tired and distressed both physically and mentally, and if the other members were already accusing Hwayoung of exaggerating her injury on the flight, as seems likely, then it's not surprising that she wanted to stay away from them. The idea that she missed the rehearsal to get her nails done is ridiculous and false. That was just something that she thought of because she wasn't going to be doing much else, and there is some doubt about whether she had her nails done that day.  

The following is a reply I wrote to someone who claimed that Hwayoung was not faking the injury at first, but the next day she was fine and just didn't want to do the concerts. 

If Hwayoung was not faking the injury at first she was not faking it over the next few days either because sprained ankles take a long time to heal. Sprains are classified as Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3. 

Grade 1 – Stretched ligaments, some pain, some stiffness, some difficulty walking or running. Recovery time 2 to 4 weeks. 

Grade 2 – Torn ligaments, moderate to severe pain with severe difficulty walking. Minor bruising and swelling which may take as long as two days to develop, so it may not look bad at first. The ankle will feel very stiff and may feel unstable. Recovery time 4 to 8 weeks. 

Grade 3 – Severe tears or complete ruptures of ligaments. Severe pain immediately and the ankle may feel very unstable and weak. Swelling usually develops immediately and bruising often develops over the next two days. X-ray often required to ensure no bones are broken. Recovery time up to three months. 
Sprained Ankle - Treatment, Rehabilitation & Exercises

Some claim that Hwayoung's x-ray showed there was nothing wrong, but the ligaments are not visible on an x-ray, so it cannot do that, and that fact that an x-ray was done suggests that the injury was quite bad. Sportsinjuryclinic tells us that an x-ray is often required with a Grade 3 sprain, but does not mention it for Grade 1 or Grade 2. For a Grade 1 the x-ray would be probably be considered unnecessary, for a Grade 2 it might be done just to make sure. Hwayoung's injury does not appear to have been as bad as a Grade 3, so the x-ray may have been requested by the patient or by the company, who were keen for her to perform at the concerts, but presumably not if she had broken bones. The mistake was thinking that because the bones were not broken there was nothing seriously wrong. 

 I think Hwayoung's injury was probably a Grade 2 sprain, not just because of the x-rays, but because it fits her behaviour; walking a bit, perhaps to try it out and see what she could do, then deciding that she needed assistance. If I am right it is likely she would be back to normal some time in late August or September, and there was never any possibility of her being fit for those concerts. 

23 July – Injury 
24 July – Rehearsal 
25 July – First concert 
26 July – Second concert 
27 July – Music Bank 

Elenora wrote some very good comments on Soompi about how a misunderstanding could happen. They are among best contributions to the Hwayoung debate that I have seen. 

Elenora -> Sorbet Mei 
I am deeply skeptical about the staff opinion regarding the ankle injury. There's a misconception that you either break your ankle or don't - the truth is you can really screw up the ligaments and tendons and it hurts like the devil and frequently doesn't repair because there's nothing that can be done. You can't see that damage on an x-ray, you need an MRI. Most of the time they won't give you a cast but walking is very difficult (if possible at all) and you really should spend your time at home with your foot elevated. 

We've all seen that some management companies get their group members on stage even if they're ready to keel over and only seem contrite if someone DOES keel over. If Hwayoung thought she couldn't walk even though the doctor said no break, then that's something only she would know. From that point, the choreography had to be changed no matter what. If the combined staff and group members decided to hold that against Hwayoung and start the rumor that she wasn't actually that injured? Well, that's an excellent start to one heck of a grudge. 

Do I know that Hwayoung really couldn't perform? Nope. But unless the staff were moonlighting as doctors, I'm pretty sure all they know is what the management group told them - and it was in the management group's interests to keep her onstage. 

nmm -> Elenora
But they did go to doctors in 2 different countries who said the same thing tho. So it's not the staff's saying she didn't need the cast but the doctors did. But it's another case if you think the staff or the doctor was lying 

Elenora -> nmm 
I don't think anyone's lying. I think the doctors saw a ligament injury that has no real "fix" - it's important to elevate it and stay off it, but there's no direct benefit of a cast's structure. And I don't think the staff are lying (though I think they're extremely biased). 

My best guess is that Korean companies tend to work their groups to exhaustion, and may have assumed that because there was no cast or injury visible on x-ray, she was good to go. But she knew very well that she wasn't good to go and that trying to use that ankle would injure it further, so a doctor told her a cast wouldn't do any harm and that's why she wore it. She probably also wore it in public to explain why she wasn't performing, given how closely kpop fans follow this stuff - I can imagine what would've come her way if she was seen limping through an airport and then not performing. 

I think it's a toxic mix: a girl who genuinely got injured too badly to perform but not badly enough for it to be a break, a couple of doctors who all saw the same thing, another doctor who agreed that a visual shorthand for the injury would be a good idea, a management company who had motive for meeting appearance commitments, and then a really gross swirl of bitchy backbiting between the management, staff and group members regarding the girl who wasn't there. I don't think there's any one person responsible, though I'd look more closely at the management company than anyone else. 

Elenora -> nmm 
I don't think anyone was lying. I think the same diagnosis can get different opinions, based on the people in the room and the context provided. For example, when I had leg surgery my doctor told me that I could go back to work in two weeks. But then I explained that my job is one with lots of international travel and standing, and she instantly changed her recommendation and told me I'd be out for 6 weeks. The thing that changed is that she'd thought I'd drive to a suburban office and sit at a desk 8 hours a day with my foot on a stool, when in fact even on non-travel days I'm walking about 3 miles through cities. Totally different recommendation, same injury. 

If Hwayoung went to a doctor with the management company, they may have presented a much less realistic story than reality - management is known to do that. In contrast, when she went with her father it's possible that she described her busiest possible day on the job (which, given the Japan travel, sounds likely). That would easily result in different doctors giving different recommendations. 

Daisy Fung -> Elenora 
First doctor says she doesn't need a cast. Second doctor says she needed one. Third doctor says the same thing as the first. The second doctor visit was accompanied by her father while the first and last one wasn't.

Elenora -> Daisy Fung 
Ankle injuries are tricky. Casts are a visible signal that the person is hurt, but if the ankle is injured in a way where there's really nothing to be done and no benefit to the cast's structure, then a doctor will typically skip it. That doesn't mean the ankle is undamaged. I don't think you're taking into account the demands the management company may have had, or the concerns her father may have had. Many bosses ask their people to "play hurt", as in "continue to work through an injury". A cast would send a visual message that the person is not available for activities that would aggravate the injury. 

Elenora -> Daisy Fung 
Doctors have differing opinions, and a doctor's visit with a management company who are very vested in getting her back onstage might come away with different recommendations than one with her father who was mostly focused on her wellbeing.


  1. Your statement about it being impossible for Hwayoung not wanting to perform is based off of nothing but your feelings. Unless you were there to see here injury, you definitely can't classify it, much less prescribe treatment

    I find it funny how you claim to be unbiased but make excuses for everything that Hwayoung objectively did wrong, including just not showing up to a *concert* rehearsal and subjecting everyone else to an extend 6 hour practice and denying the rest that they desperately needed but some how flip it as if it was T-ara's fault for not being understanding when Hwayoung failed to make herself be available to be understood in the first place. She wasn't there and just chose not to show up to work or tell anybody. There is no place on Earth where that would be considered alright. You can't say her getting her nails done was ridiculous and false and then follow it up with "there is some doubt". Whether or not she got her nails done or not: She. Wasn't. There. For. 8. Hours.

    You accused them of accusing Hwayoung of faking her or exaggerating her injury and you call their tweets petty, bullying and bitchiness. Where was it ever even *implied* that they ever did that to her? You have shown *0* consideration and understanding for what T-ara felt like and what we *know* they were going through but feel comfortable making assumptions about them mistreating Hwayoung while trying to slyly cover it up by ending it with "blame it on the staff"

    1. If Hwayoung genuinely felt unable to perform as normal, and there is no reason to assume that she didn't, you cannot blame her for the choreography having to be changed. Remember that those concerts lasted about two hours. Even if she could start the rehearsal she might break down before the end which would make things more difficult, and if she got through the rehearsal and broke down in the concert it would be even worse.

      It is extraordinary that you say “You accused them of accusing Hwayoung of faking her or exaggerating her injury” when that is exactly what you are doing and the basis of the case against her. You are complaining that I suggested they said something that you think was true. Their tweets imply that they thought she was fit to perform when she said she was not. That is the point of them and the excuse that is always made for them.

      I have considered how T-ara felt but the Hwayoung haters never consider her feelings at all. They never get beyond “She was lazy, she was faking,” and think about how she felt, injured and with everyone against her. The others were tired and probably being manipulated by staff who wanted to drive Hwayoung out. It's understandable that they were angry but they acted in an immature way, as they admitted in their apology letter. What they were “going through” was some extra work, and their fans love to boast about how hard-working they were. If the manager had told them that Hwayoung was unlikely to be fit for the stage they would have just got on with it in their usual manner and nothing bad would have happened.

      I don't make assumptions. I have ideas and think about them to decide whether they fit into the story. Do they fit the evidence and clear up mysteries or do they create more confusion? The version that the haters tell is a collection of assumptions, myths, lies and a few bits of truth that don't make a logically or psychologically consistent whole. Mine does, and the role of the staff in causing the trouble is an essential part of it. Without that there is no explanation.

  2. You are completely blind to your own bias.

    Did you see Hwayoung in Lovey Dovey at the Dream Concert? You can see how much she was enjoying it and how much she was putting into it, so why would she want to miss the Budokan concerts? If you want to accuse her of laziness or faking you need to explain how that makes sense.

    I was not there to examine her but neither were you, so how do you know the severity of her injury? The staff interviewed by Dispatch tell us that the hospital in Japan said the ankle need further treatment, which should make you question the manager's report that the first hospital said she was fine. He must have known that Hwayoung didn't think she was but he gave the other members an unrealistic expectation and when she didn't meet it they were annoyed. I can't make a precise diagnosis but I can assess all the evidence we have and give an opinion on what is likely.

    Why do you assume that the manager was being completely honest and truthful? Because of your feelings. You know T-ara made a tactical error (at the very least) which led to the scandal and you want someone else to blame, so you make the excuse that Hwayoung made them do it. That does not make it right. Even the anonymous “staff member” who leaked the stories in February 2017 said there was no excuse for it. My view is that they don't need an excuse; they need understanding and forgiveness. They were under a lot of pressure and did something wrong, but they apologized and gave Hwayoung their support. They are not angels or demons, just humans like the rest of us. Forgive them and be proud of the way they dealt with their mistake. They never tried to blame anyone else.

    When Hwayoung left the hospital in Tokyo how did she go to the hotel? Did she take a taxi? Did she walk? No, she was driven there by the staff who took her to the hospital. They would not have done that without contacting the manager. Your assertion that she “just chose not to show up to work or tell anybody” is wrong. Since she had no choice but to go where she was driven we can conclude that she had permission to go to the hotel. That suited the manager because it meant he could say what he liked about her without being challenged.

  3. TDLR: It's the CEO/management's fault, not the members.

    Hi, this is my first comment. Before I get into it, I'd never watched or read kpop or the whole culture itself. Being in awe of the character "Ha-ri" in the Korean drama "Mad Dog", I've decided to look her up, and the name "Hwayoung" came up.

    And all I see is negative results about her, and that's when I decided to jump into the giant rabbit hole.

    I've read most articles as well as your blog. Your blog is excellent, most valid points.

    First thing first, Hwayoung, her twin sister, Hwoyoung, as well as all the other T-ARA members didn't/don't deserve any cyberbullying before and after the Taxi episode or the revelation by a former staff member. But after that staff member's revelation, Areum decided to speak up and revealed that CEO/management hurt the team much more. She claimed that no member, including Hwayoung, bullied each other or was bullied by another. Her article can be found here:

    Sometime after the original bullying scandal happened back in 2012 when a group of so-called "fans" started bullying the other T-ARA members for their "will", Hwayoung then repeatedly claimed from time to time that she was never bullied.

    So, if she liked the idea of "being a victim of bullying" or if she was playing as a "victim", then why would she admit on many occasions that she wasn't bullied? That logic doesn't make sense. But that doesn't matter because the former staff member disregarded everything and proclaimed that the twins were playing as victims!

    No, that's not how I interpreted the taxi episode. Hosts asked the relevant questions first, and Hwayoung/Hwayoung had to answer said questions (about life at T-ARA.) She didn't mention any bullying or anything else about the other T-ARA members. She started crying the moment when her sister, Hwoyoung, mentioned, "It makes me feel like I want to work harder" regarding her sister watching a TV program spacing out (in addition to her weight loss).

    After the former staff member's revelation, everything went to hell. Everything then shifted to the twins. It seems that most fans are angrier with her fake injury. Fake injury and the team having to spend more time to re-rehearsal everything.

    No, she didn't fake nor exaggerate her injury because she was "lazy." She literally went to 3 different hopstials; one visit was with her dad, probably out of concern. But all the doctors agreed that she had a sprain injury. She was in pain. She really wanted to attend the concerts in Japan but because of her injury, she simply cannot. She cannot not dance, jump or stand for a period of time. She literally can't. With a sprain ankle, you can possibly walk or stand for a bit while tolerating all that pain. But standing for much longer, dancing, some mini jumping or fast-walking to be at the same pace as the other TARA members are impossible.

    It enrages me that some articles mention that she was "seen walking normally before the airport photo being supported by two other staff members." As if that's enough info to prove that she's faking her injury after all! Yes, she asked for wheelchair assistance and wearing a cast. Why? Because she wants the public to know that she's injured. She did all that to let the public know that she may not attend the concerts or that she may not perform well.

    The management thinks there's nothing wrong with her because her X-Rays were all clear; therefore, sprains don't exist! So, she's "obliged" to join the other T-ARA members for the Japanese concerts. How foolish.

  4. When T-ARA members learnt about this (Hwayoung's injury results...), knowing that they've danced and sung with their injuries in the past, the doubt increased.

    So, I believe that at that point, they started doubting Hwayoung's injury; some arguments probably happened internally. So, they argued with Hwayoung. Probably, and that may explain why Hwayoung didn't want to attend the rehearsals to "support" the team. This is not proven, but that's what I think.

    Say she was faking her injury or that she doesn't care about the team at all. Then why was she being active and enthusiastic in the previous concerts? She fully supported the team until her injury.

    As for the other former staff members/managers speaking out. They did it to confirm that the screenshots between Hwoyoung and Areum were real. Anything else is not important. Like the twins said in the taxi espiode, girls be girls; they cause arguments and do stupid things or name callings (even against the management team), their actions were bit worse because of the stress. Not saying that's right, but that's what happens when you overwork them to death.

    My conclusion? It's the CEO/management's fault. A lot of mismanagement and no internal/social training on their part; they cared more about results than the members themselves. They added more pressure to the team by recruiting more members just for "competition". That and because of the contracts, the T-ARA members had to overwork even with their injuries to meet end meets. It's unfair. No, Hwayoung didn't destroy the T-ARA team. It's the CEO/management that destroyed everything. All the stress and pressure, the T-ARA members being a "closed" family, misunderstandings happen. Whose fault is that, hmm?

    Also, I despise the fans. Have people like that not learnt any lesson? Have they no shame? This kind of bullshit (cyberbullying) led many celebrities to kill themselves in the past, or at least led them to depression. I sincerely worry about Hwayoung, Hwoyoung and their wellbeings. The last thing I heard about Hwayoung is that she is/was in a very shady relationship with someone...

